The council insures the building that you live in, but your personal possessions are not covered by the council if they are damaged, for example by a leak from another flat or a burst pipe. Home contents insurance covers you against loss, theft or damage to your personal and home possessions. You don’t have to take out home contents insurance, however, it’s a good idea to do so because if any of your contents are lost, stolen or damaged you will have to pay to replace them.
For as little as 74p a week (about the cost of a litre of milk), you could insure £4,000 of household contents!
The council has agreed a low cost contents insurance policy with the insurer RSA, specifically designed for council tenants. For more information about the insurance cover and to apply, please visit our website at or call 03456 718172.
Other insurance providers are available. For general information on contents insurance, visit the Citizens Advice website.