H&F Maintenance is responsible for repairs to council and leasehold properties including garages. We carry out the most urgent repairs first. If something needs repairing and is a risk to health or safety, it’s treated as an emergency
Find out more about H&F’s responsibilities as your landlord in terms of repairs and how you can play an important role by accurately reporting a repair.
The full online handbook is available at:
hf_housing_and_maintenance_repairs_handbook_2020.pdf (lbhf.gov.uk).
Thanks to the resident-led Repairs Working Group, the Repairs Handbook was designed by residents, for residents.
The handbook includes information on repairs priorities and response times, leaseholder repairs responsibilities, emergency repairs, planned maintenance, health and safety, and useful contacts.
Council leaseholders and tenants can report a repair, including repairs in communal areas, either by:
Or calling us on 0800 023 4499 (free from landlines mobiles).
Residents can email us at housing.repairs@lbhf.gov.uk and we will respond within 48 hours.